
Saturday, 13 August 2011


Jane Austen Week by Elegance of Fashion

I had a task to complete and I haven't forgotten, of course. Here are the answers to questions 7-11 ( part  I , questions 1-6 HERE)  which were part of the "MY JANE AUSTEN WEEK" event at Elegance of Fashion. I had fun answering, I hope you'll have while reading. 

Top three Jane Austen Adaptations and why?

This is a very, very difficult one because I love them all. actually! However, I’ll try to pick up three (four?)
I love Sense and Sensibility 1995, the one who made Emma Thomson leave her first husband Kenneth Branagh and elope with Willoughby, I mean marry Greg Wise. It was my first Austen –adptation ever. Then I saw Pride and Prejudice 2005 at the cinema and from that moment on I started looking for any adaptation I could find on DVD.
So my number 1. Must be S&S 1995, number 2 P&P 2005 and number 3  ex equo the latest Sense and Sensibility (2008) and the latest Emma (2009). But of course, I loved watching P&P 1995, I couldn’t I?  I have seen Persuasion and Northanger Abbey (both ITV 2007) also. I don’t llike the series from the 70s and 80s that much.

Top Three Jane Austen characters that "take delight in vexing" you?

1.Mr Collins. Oh poor, Charlotte! Little lamb, what her life with him must have been!
2. Lady Catherine De Bourgh - Elizabeth must be admired especially for the way she faced her at the end of Pride and Prejudice. That unbearable woman! I know she has fans herself but I’m definitely not among them.
3. Mary Musgrove (née Elliot) – I couldn’t bear her for five minutes, Anne Elliot does that patiently all her life through!

from Austenesque Reviews fb page
Jane Austen Sequels... Do you like them or not?
I love them. I read and review them from time to time here on My Jane Austen Book Club. It’s a way to keep all those fabulous characters we love alive. I also like modernizations very much  and Austen-inspired  romances  (i.e. Beth Pattillo, Victoria Connelly, Cindy Jones)

Do you have a favorite spot to keep all your Jane Austen "stuff"?
Actually I have a virtual one, that is this blog dedicated to everything Austen, as well as a real one, an Austen /Austenesque shelf in my library.

Which Jane Austen character do you think you're most like?
I think I 've already said this one or twice somewhere on My Jane Austen Book Club .   I am Anne Elliot (except for "the bearing a clinging, over anxious sister like Mary" bit !)

Now it's time to thank Miss Elizabeth Bennet at Elegance of Fashion for hosting such a beautiful blog party! It's been very nice to be part of it. Courtsey. Never enough Austen, agree? 


  1. I am Elinor Dashwood, always liked her but she's not my absolute fav.

  2. I enjoyed reading your answers, and must say that your #3 Mary Musgrove (née Elliot) is my #1. I feel pity towards Mr. Collins and Lady Catherine is just too ridiculous to dislike totally. But I cannot abide Mary Musgrove and am always rooting for someone to tell her off.

    Jo's Daughter, I too am Elinor. I knew I was no Lizzie or Emma, but Elinor is somewhat dull in my opinion.
