thank you so much for inviting me to talk about my new book, Project Darcy, and
share an exclusive sneak peek!
When I
first read about the fact that there’d been an archaeological dig at Jane
Austen’s childhood home, I couldn’t help thinking that it would make a
marvellous setting for a novel. The idea of a group of volunteers, from all
walks of life, coming together in secret to discover all sorts of interesting
possibilities about Jane Austen’s first twenty five years of life at Steventon
Rectory, really fired my imagination. I wanted to combine a modern story with
undertones of Pride and Prejudice alongside a tale in the past, and having
written one timeslip novel, I couldn’t wait to get started.
Jess, Martha, Cara, and Liberty, are five friends just leaving university, and
all have their own reasons for volunteering for the dig. They arrive at Ashe,
just a couple of miles from Steventon and are going to be staying at Jess’s
godmother’s house - Ashe Rectory. What none of them realise is that this house
has its own connections to Jane Austen’s past in a very special way as the
house where she fell in love, but for one person, in particular, being haunted
by a particular young man has life-changing consequences!
Here’s a
little excerpt - the girls have arrived at the house where they’re staying, and
immediately, Ellie senses the enchantment of the place.
‘Ashe Rectory,’ called the driver.
Ellie stared at the life-sized doll’s house in front
of them. A doorway surmounted by a beautiful fanlight was set in the centre of
the elegant Georgian façade, its panelled doors opening as they stepped down
from the coach. Wisteria and roses climbed over the rose brick walls and the
windows on either side. On the upper floor, the window under the pediment caught
the glow of the sun in its rectangular panes. The light was blinding, but Ellie
sensed they were being watched and when she shielded her eyes to squint at the
glass, she saw she was right. It was momentary, but the sight of a young man
with pale hair and skin standing at the window made every hair on her body
stand on end. He was looking down at them and, for a moment, Ellie thought that
she knew him. There was something so familiar about the turn of his head and
his stance that caused a flicker of pleasure to quicken inside her, and when,
at last, their eyes met, the sense of recognition and consciousness felt almost
like coming home.
The light bounced from the panes, the sun blinking in
her eyes so strongly she was forced to close them and when she looked again, he
was gone. As all five girls stood before the house with the noise of the coach
rumbling away down the lane, the doors opened and a white-haired lady in a
twin-set and tweed skirt stepped out, dogs barking at her heels.
‘Now Mr Darcy and Mr Bingley, don’t carry on so. You
remember Jessica, there’s no need to bark like that.’
The dogs were all over Jess, leaping up excitedly as
they recognised their old friend. ‘Mr Darcy and Mr Bingley,’ cried Jess,
laughing as they almost bowled her over. ‘It’s so long since I had the pleasure
of seeing those wagging tails - you were always the most handsome and loving
men of my acquaintance!’
‘We should have known they’d have names from Pride and Prejudice,’ said Cara, ‘Is
your godmother as obsessed as you, Jess?’
‘No, not one bit,’ said the apple-cheeked lady who
greeted them after she’d bestowed affectionate kisses on Jess. ‘Mrs Burke
always says she prefers the Brontë sisters and has no time for Elizabeth Bennet
and Mr Darcy. It was Jessica who was allowed to christen the dogs, you might
know. I’m Betty Hill, by the way, the housekeeper. Come inside – leave your
suitcases in the hall, my dears, and my husband will see to those. The kettle
is on, we’ll have a nice cup of tea and then I’ll show you to your rooms.’
‘Oh, I thought we were to be on our own,’ Ellie heard
Liberty whispering to Cara, the disappointment in her voice plain to hear. ‘I
had high hopes of entertaining Greg Whitely here a bit later.’
‘Liberty, you are too naughty for words,’ Cara
answered, giggling, as she plumped down onto an armchair covered in dove grey
linen, sending the flowered cushions tumbling to the floor.
Mrs Hill appeared not to notice and when the tea came
in they were introduced to the young girl, Nancy, who bore pots of Earl Grey
tea, piles of chicken sandwiches and slabs of chocolate cake on delicate tea
‘Nancy comes in from the village to help me,’ said Mrs
Hill. ‘If you need to know anything at all about Ashe, Steventon or Deane and
the people that live here, she’s the one to ask. Her people have lived here
since before Jane Austen’s day. In fact, they were a very special part of the
Nancy wore an expression of pride as she set down the
tray. ‘Yes, my ancestors worked for the Austen family, they helped bring up the
children. Mrs Austen used to send them off, once they were weaned, to live with
my family until they were old enough to walk and talk and mind their manners. I
suppose that seems an odd practice today, but that’s what they did in the olden
days. The children were visited every day, and, no doubt, were in and out of
the respective houses as they were growing up.’
‘So your family actually knew Jane Austen?’ Ellie
Nancy nodded. ‘My granny told me that one of the
Littleworths once dressed Jane Austen’s hair for a ball. They were servants,
really, but the Austens treated them as if they were their nearest and dearest.
There’s not much the Littleworths didn’t know then, and there’s not much we
don’t know about Steventon and all its neighbours now. And if there’s any
gossip to be had, we’ll be the first to hear the news. It’s not a place for
keeping secrets, I can tell you,’ Nancy said, lowering her voice to a whisper
as if the walls themselves might hear something they shouldn’t. ‘It’s just
village life, but if you’re not used to it, it can seem as if people are being
very nosy and interfering, if you know what I mean.’
‘I’d better be on my best behaviour then,’ said
Liberty, who pressed her lips together as if butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth.
Everyone laughed. It was hard to get cross with
Liberty who knew more than anyone else that trouble seemed to hunt her out like
a heat-seeking missile.
‘It’s a beautiful house,’ said Ellie, keen to change
the conversation. ‘It looks as if Jane Austen might walk out of a door at any
‘Yes, indeed, my dears, this house is not without its
associations to that great lady. It was a former rectory and belonged to a very
great friend of Miss Austen,’ Mrs Hill replied, as if the author was still
alive. ‘Her name was Madame Lefroy, that was how she was known. She was married
to the Reverend Lefroy who was the rector at Ashe. Jane always ran to her dear
friend for advice – they shared a great many interests, I believe, books and
poetry, in particular.’
‘I didn’t know that,’ said Jess, sitting up in her
seat, instantly alert to the name of her favourite author. ‘I’ve never heard
Aunt Mary talk about Jane Austen being here in this house.’
‘Well, Jane Austen and her books have never been of
any interest to her, and it’s a few years since we’ve had the pleasure of
seeing you in this house, Jessica. I suppose she thought you too young before,
to be interested in the history of the rectory itself and the people who lived
‘Just think, Jane Austen might have sat in this very
room,’ said Jess.
‘Without a doubt, she did,’ answered Mrs Hill. ‘Not
only did she sit in this room, but Jane also attended a few dances here. Madame
was quite a figure in the neighbourhood and loved to throw parties. You see the
folding doors that separate the rooms? They were always thrown back to make
room for the dancing couples.
Jess opened her mouth to speak again. Ellie could see
how curious she was and longing to know more, but Mrs Hill stood up, gathering
cups and saucers together on the tea-tray. ‘I’ll just pop these in the kitchen
– Nancy will show you to your rooms whilst I tidy up. I understand you’re all
going out in an hour or so. I’ll leave the side door open and there’ll be a
spot of supper, something cold left out for you when you get back. Have a
lovely time, my dears.’
They followed Nancy upstairs and on reaching the first
floor, Ellie remembered the haunting face that she’d seen earlier. ‘Does anyone
else live here, Nancy? I thought I saw someone at the window when we arrived …
could it have been Mrs Hill’s son?’
‘No, Mrs Hill’s nephew stays here with her sometimes,
but she and Mr Hill were never blessed with any children. It’s such a pity
because she would have made a lovely mum. Perhaps it was Mr Hill you saw – he’s
always seeing to odd jobs around the house.’
‘I doubt it, unless Mr Hill is a very young man,’ said Ellie, wondering if
she had, in fact, imagined the face that had seemed to smile when he saw her.
‘Oh, in that case it was probably the ghost you saw,’
Nancy pronounced, in such a matter of fact way that Ellie wondered if she’d
misheard her.
‘Don’t tell me there’s a ghost,’ cried Liberty, ‘I
shan’t sleep tonight. I love nothing more than a horror film but I don’t want
to be in one!’
‘I don’t know anything about a ghost,’ Jess joined in.
‘Aunt Mary’s never mentioned him to me. Where did you see him, Ellie?’
‘Well, he must have been here standing at this window
but, to be honest, I didn’t see very much and it could just have been a trick
of the light. The sun was really bright … I got the impression of someone about
our age, quite pale and fair. He was only there for a second – I probably
imagined it.’
‘That’s not likely with your history, is it?’ Jess had
lowered her voice to a whisper and was looking at her friend earnestly. Ellie
had only ever confided in Jess about the people she saw – not people exactly,
they were more like shadows of real people, in three dimensions but dimmer in
intensity, other worldly.
‘There is a young man haunts the place from time to
time,’ said Nancy, opening the door of the first bedroom on the left. ‘He’s
harmless enough, but I expect your aunt didn’t want to say anything to you
about him when you were a little girl, Jess, for fear of frightening you.’
Martha who’d been quiet for some time spoke up. ‘I
don’t believe in ghosts. I’ve seen too many so-called séances with hysterical
people, mostly ridiculously stupid actresses, who whipped themselves into a
frenzy of believing all sorts of nonsense – contact with the dead, and even one
who swore she’d lived in another time.’
Ellie didn’t want to say too much. ‘I think some
people are more in tune or have a sensitivity to such things. I’d hate to
dismiss it completely.’
‘I agree with Ellie,’ Jess chipped in, ‘there is so
much that we don’t understand. I was reading about the Akashic records the
other day, the belief that everything that happens in the world is imprinted on
the unseen ether around us, present in every atom of the world and universe –
like a multi-sensory photograph or holograph being constantly captured and kept
on file.’
‘Now you’ve lost me with all this talk of hollow
graphs and science. It sounds like a lot of gobbledygook to me,’ said Liberty,
hitching up her shoulder bag.
I’ve had
a few strange experiences in houses myself - I’d love to know what you think
about the idea that we leave a little bit of ourselves imprinted in the fabric
of the walls of buildings we have lived in! Have you ever seen a ghost or
‘felt’ a presence?
Odiwe - Austen Effusions:
Austen Sequels:
It is high summer when
Ellie Bentley joins an archaeological dig at Jane Austen’s childhood home.
She’s always had a talent for ‘seeing’ into the past and is not easily
disturbed by her encounters with Mr Darcy’s ghost at the house where she’s
When Ellie travels into
the past she discovers exactly what happened whilst Jane danced her way through
the snowy winter of 1796 with her dashing Irish friend. As Steventon Rectory
and all its characters come to life, Ellie discovers the true love story lost
in Pride and Prejudice – a tale which has its own consequences for her future
destiny, changing her life beyond imagination.
The author
Jane Odiwe
is the author of five Austen-inspired novels, Project Darcy,
Searching for Captain Wentworth, Mr
Darcy's Secret, Willoughby’s Return, and Lydia Bennet’s Story,
and is a contributor to Laurel Ann Nattress’s anthology, Jane Austen Made Me
Do It, with a short story, Waiting.
Jane is a
member of the Jane Austen Society; she holds an arts degree, and initially
started her working life teaching Art and History. When she’s not writing, she
enjoys painting and trying to capture the spirit of Jane Austen’s world. Her
illustrations have been published in a picture book, Effusions of Fancy, and are featured in a biographical film of Jane
Austen’s life in Sony’s DVD edition of The
Jane Austen Book Club.
How intriguing! Who is the ghost? I need to know!!
Haven't ever seen a ghost. Only felt its presence.
I definitely believe it's possible that some people can be attuned to spirits and things like that. I find it quite fascinating but I've never experienced it. Once when I was 10 I saw what I thought might be a ghost but I don't know for sure. My brother and I were playing at a playground by a church which, naturally, had a cemetery behind it. We both saw it (whatever it was) at the same time, looked at each other, and took off running for home as fast as we could!
This looks like such a fun read! I wonder who the "pale and fair" ghost is?
I always love a nice timetravel story! Thanks for the giveaway!
arjanne.boneschanscher (at) gmail (dot) com
Ceri-I shall not say a word and leave you guessing! : )
Kat, I've not seen one, but definitely felt the presence of one!
Monica P-that made me shiver all over. I'd love to see a ghost ... I think!
arjanne - thank you - I love a time travel story too!
Hi Jane,no I've never seen a ghost but I really don't remember ever feeling a presence, even though I've been in many old buildings with long histories... I'm looking forward to reading your latest as I've enjoyed your previous work. Thanks for the giveaway :)
a couple days after my first dog died I swear I saw him walk past me by the bathroom into my room where he went. on bed and did his thing with tongue and noise. later that day mom got call from very that his remains ( he was cremated) was ready to come home with us
At two Civil War battlefields, I certainly felt "spirits" in the air. I'm abit of a "jumpy" cat, so I'd rather not see one!
No, I'm fortunate not to encounter one and hope I continue not to since I'm scared of what they will do to me.
My husband has seen lots of 'ghosts', I never have, but I have heard noises I can't explain - in my own home I have heard footsteps coming down the stairs when I am the only person at home. In various homes I have heard talking. I don't believe that they are 'ghosts' , I believe time has slipped.
Wonderful interview and I really enjoyed the excerpt! Thank you so much for the giveaway!! :)
Lynn, thank you for the very kind words of support-they mean a lot!
Trish, I've read that's quite a common phenomenon-it must have been a comfort to see him.
Kirk, I understand what you mean-I am in two minds about whether I'd want to 'see' one.
Luthien84, I can understand your being nervous, but I've never thought a ghost would be malicious...who knows? It's a fascinating subject!
Vesper, I've had a similar experience-my daughter and I heard footsteps down the hallway, but there was no one there and we were the only people in the house.
Thank you, Valerie, I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
No ghosts, but I would love to be able to talk with Jane Austen or Darcy.
Your artwork looks gorgeous!
I have felt a presence.
Oh, this will be fun to read. I like the idea of a benevolent presence. Thanks for the excerpt. I want to read the rest now.
I have never had an experience like that, but an acquaintance told me about her experiences in the old 200yr old house she and her family rented that seemed to have a presence that shared the house with them. It wasn't mean just there.
Junewilliams7- Oh, so would I! Thank you for your kind comment!
dstoutholcomb - I hope it was a friendly one!
Sophia Rose - I've tried to keep this book in the same spirit as Jane Austen's 'light and bright' Pride and Prejudice - I hope you enjoy it if you get a chance to read it. I love the idea of a haunted house!
I am intriguing with this story, and so I look forward to its release with the expectative highest for its reading.
Thank you for opportunity ;)
Thanks to Maria for the giveaway and to Jane for the excerpt! Now I'm really intrigued! A Jane Austen inspired story, an English setting, ghosts and travel through time?! Could I ask for more? I don't think so! (Since I've always loved archeology, I also can't wait to read about it!)
I personally never saw a ghost of felt a presence. Some friends and family members have described to me their experiences and it always left me baffled that it really happens to people! I believe in ghosts but I think I'm not the kind of person that is "in tune" to see them, as your Ellie explains. I think I'd be too scared if I ever saw one.
( nehlee at hotmail )
I don't believe in ghosts so I guess I'll never see any.
Yes I felt a presence AND seen a ghost both. I live in the house where I grew up and when I was first married my grandmother passed away in this house and my husband and I moved in and took care of my grandpa - who died in the house as well 18 months later. I always felt my grandmother's presence as she was my best friend other than my mother - they always called us the Three Musketeers because we were always together :) So after my divorce I moved back her with my daughter and I feel so safe in this house, I know she is here watching over us :) When I was about 7-8 I also saw a ghost in this house but never again. The presence I feel in this house has never scared me it has always calmed me.
Yes, have felt a presence. I've always felt that it was my father.
I have never seen a ghost or felt a presence! I'm so excited to read your new book, Jane!!
Well, I have never seen a ghost or felt a presence in my house. Probably because nobody had ever lived here before! But I believe if you live many years in the same place, the house will preserve something of your life forever :) I am looking to reading your new book, good luck, Jane!
Warmisunqu Austen - thank you-I hope you enjoy Project Darcy!
Lena, thank you for your lovely comments-you are most kind!
Patricia - do you have to believe? I'm not sure- ; )
Erika-that's a lovely story-I feel ghosts are a comforting presence. Perhaps spirit is really a more suitable word in this case.
Anonymous-how lovely-I feel we are connected to those we love too.
Kelli-thank you-I really hope you enjoy it!
Maria-yes, it seems that old houses have more ghosts than new ones! Thank you for your kind comments.
I don't believe in ghosts and never have felt a "presence", but am still fascinated by the idea of people having lived in a particular place.
I loved visiting Jane Austen's House in Chawton and am very curious about this book set in Steventon (I visited the church when I was there).
Hi Monica-the church is lovely-isn't it? I found it a great inspiration!
I have some times felt like there is "someone" with me when I´m in trouble. Am not sure if it has been ghost or not but I´ve had that feeling!
Jenna O
I have never seen or felt a presence of a Ghost :)
My heart is here - I know just what you mean, Jenna! Thank you for commenting!
Anubha - that's probably a good thing! Thank you for visiting me here!
When I lost my beloved first cat I thought I saw him a few times after he died. Just a flash from the corner of my eye type of thing. Not sure if it was his ghost but I felt his presence (in my heart and mind?) long after...
Jo's Daughter - I've experienced something like it myself - almost as if they are on the edge of your consciousness. It's always hard when you lose a beloved pet. Thank you for your comment!
Maria, Thank you so much for hosting me - I'm truly overwhelmed by the response!
I have felt my mum's presence. I got a strong whiff of the power foundation she used. It did not just pass and go. It stayed for a short while.
pseudophilosopher - that's a lovely presence to have felt - I envy you! Thank you for stopping to visit!
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