"Oh!" cried Miss Bingley, "Charles writes in
the most careless way imaginable. He leaves out half his words, and blots the
"My ideas flow so rapidly that I have not
time to express them -- by which means my letters sometimes convey no ideas at
all to my correspondents."
Hello Maria Grazia and thank you for welcoming me
back to My Jane Austen Book Club to share my new release, Two More Days at
Netherfield, with you and your readers. An overhearing and an extended stay
during Jane’s illness shift this story’s plot away from canon, but Bingley’s
notoriously bad handwriting also has a significant impact on Darcy and
Elizabeth’s journey to their happy ever after.
Handwriting entered into every event and
transaction in life and it was the only way to communicate non-verbally. So,
what was Bingley doing so wrong?
At least he wouldn’t have had to cut his
own quill. That took skill and quills were not that expensive. Bingley would
have bought his quills with a carefully shaped nib so the flight feather’s
hollow core could hold ink and flow to the tip by capillary action. As he
wrote, the quill absorbed ink and softened. His fastidious friend Darcy would
start writing with a few sharpened quills ready to be swapped out as his quill
softened and bent out of shape so he wouldn’t have to stop writing. A quill
could absorb ink and dry out a few times before it became dull and had to be
Notice several holes in
the inkwell to hold extra quills. Darcy’s canon letter to Elizabeth might have
used 3 quills.
Mending a pen wouldn’t have caused Bingley
much trouble. Any adult would have known how to do it and it would have been
embarrassing to have to ask someone to mend it for him. People really did
prefer to mend their own pens. Mending isn’t the same as cutting a nib; mending
was just maintaining the point of a previously cut quill and men, women, and
even school-aged children would have their own pen-knife.
Silver penknife c. 1800
So, if cutting and mending a pen wasn’t an
issue for a gentleman, why did Bingley leave so many blots? Writing with a quill
requires a delicate touch. Pressing too hard—as hard as we write with a
ballpoint or fountain pen—would cause the ink to not release smoothly. It would
also wear the quill faster or even tear the paper. Bingley’s style shows he has
a heavy hand.
He writes heavily and too quickly, unlike
Darcy’s slow, even lines. The need to blot shows Bingley is hard on his quill
and he’s spraying ink as he writes. His posture might be part of the problem,
too. You can’t lean forward with a quill—your back has to be straight—and your
elbow should be near your side and the pen pointing straight to your shoulder.
Your writing hand also can’t roll out to the side to rest on the paper because
you would end up writing with the side of the pen, wearing it unevenly and
needing to mend it more often.
Bingley is also probably holding his pen
wrong. He should hold it with thumb and first two fingers, with the thumb and
index finger not touching and the fingers nearly straight. If he isn’t holding
his quill like this it might explain why his writing is too small and he’s not
able to move his pen steadily enough to release the ink smoothly, yet another
reason his rapidly flowing ideas can’t quite make it onto the page.
Bingley doesn’t have a flowing, neat
running hand like his friend Darcy does, but rather a scrawling, illegible one
with blots and missing words. In Pride and Prejudice this only merits a
little teasing, but in Two More Days at Netherfield, his careless
writing with missing words and many blots has unintended consequences for Darcy
and Elizabeth.
About the Book

The result of this unintended eavesdropping leads to
confrontations and apologies on both sides and, eventually, the beginnings of a
friendship between Darcy and Elizabeth. Their warming acquaintance impacts the
courtship of Darcy’s friend and Elizabeth’s sister, the jealous temper of Miss
Bingley, and even the behavior of Mr. Wickham after he arrives in
How are the events of the winter drastically affected by the
Bennet sisters choosing to spend two more days at Netherfield?
About the Author
Heather Moll is an avid reader of mysteries and biographies with a master’s in information science. She found Jane Austen later than she should have and made up for lost time by devouring Austen’s letters and unpublished works, joining JASNA, and spending too much time researching the Regency era. She is the author of Two More Days at Netherfield and His Choice of a Wife. She lives with her husband and son and struggles to balance all of the important things, like whether to clean the house or write. Connect with her on Facebook, Goodreads, Instagram and Twitter
Quills & Quartos
Publishing is giving away one ecopy at
each blog stop of the Two More Days at Netherfield blog tour. All
you need to do to enter the giveaway is comment on this blog post, and Quills
& Quartos will randomly choose one random winner after February 21. So,
make sure you join in the conversation!
Maybe Bingley was left-handed,so causing him these problems
Thank you so much for hosting me and Two More Days at Netherfield!
I remember when I first heard the expression mending a pen and had no idea what that meant. Thanks for the giveaway!
Interesting read. I have not thought about how to hold a quill before. Quite informative.
The information about quills and writing for the different characters interesting. I had the opportunity to write with a quill. I found it challenging but do-able.
I’ve never actually tried writing with a quill! When I started writing with ink we had dip pens. There was an ink well in the top corner of the desk and we had a wooden pen with a metal nib on the end.
On my 13th birthday my brother was working and he bought me a Parker fountain pen and propelling pencil set. I absolutely loved it and 55 years later I still have them.
I’m now wondering how Bingley’s writing problems affect Darcy and Elizabeth? Is it in a good way or does it cause them problems? Can’t wait to find out.
I'm so pleased that all of you found this interesting. I've never used a quill myself but I'm eager to try it and see if I can manage with fewer blots than Bingley.
Best of luck to you all in the giveaway and thank you for reading!
Another example of how communication was so much more difficult than today. If you wanted to say something important and not waste ink, paper, or the tip of your sharpened pen or quill you really had to have your act together! It makes Darcy's letter to Elizabeth all the more meaningful somehow since he has so much to say and has to do it clearly and not mess up her impression of him with blots! Thanks for this detailed description! I have enjoyed your stories!
I loved learning this about the quills! It’s another layer for miscommunications.
This was interesting! I wonder if different people chose different colored feathers.
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