Monday, 7 September 2015


Hello Readers-Of-Impeccable-Taste!

Welcome to the first stop on the blog tour of Yours Forevermore, Darcy and to your first JAA meeting.  We at Jane Austen Anonymous, would like to invite you to stay and share in your own Jane Austen addiction. 

                I’ll start. My name is KaraLynne Mackrory and I am a Jane Austen addict.  I have been for well over 15 years.  There was a guy in my freshman class that I thought was pretty handsome.  So when I read Pride and Prejudice for the first time as part of an assignment, it was easy to let my girlish crush combine with Jane Austen’s wit, transcendent romance and comedy to create a permanent addiction. I was lucky I found Jane Austen – I might have turned out quite normal otherwise.  ::shudder::

                Yours Forevermore, Darcy is my fourth novel and started out as a fancy of mine first written as a short story.  One day I thought to myself,“Self, wouldn’t it be so sweet, plus romantic, plus hilarious, plus swoonworthy if Darcy secretly wrote Elizabeth letters over the entire course of their acquaintance?”  And the plot bunny bounced inside my head creating all kinds of delicious scenarios.  Then I thought “Self, wouldn’t it even more delicious if those letters somehow were delivered someplace? To Elizabeth?”

                Thus the story was born and for many years it remained a short story.  Over the past year I have transformed and revised it into the full length novel it was meant to be all along.  Darcy in my mind is this strong, emotionally reserved man whose feelings run deep and ardent.  It made perfect sense to me that he would, upon finding himself in the clutches of a passionate regard he could not account nor handle, seek some sort of release.  In my book, he does so by means of writing letters to Elizabeth. 
                Don’t miss this chance to step into his private heart and mind – experiencing that passion with him and watching him fall in love.  Enter to win a paperback copy of Yours Forevermore, Darcy right here (see the rafflecopter form below this post)

KaraLynne Mackrory 

Yours Forevermore, Darcy

Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy has a secret. The letter he presented to Miss Elizabeth Bennet after his ghastly proposal is not the only epistle he has written her. In this tale of longing, misadventure and love – readapted from Jane Austen’s dearly loved Pride & Prejudice - our hero has learned a powerful way of coping with his attraction to Miss Bennet. He writes her unsent letters. The misguided suitor has declared himself, and Elizabeth Bennet has refused him, most painfully. Without intending for these letters to become known to another soul, Mr. Darcy relies on his secret for coping once again. However, these letters, should they fall into the wrong hands, could create untold scandal, embarrassment and possibly heartbreak. But what happens should they fall into the right hands?

About the author

KaraLynne is an amazing mother who never makes mistakes, never gets upset with her children and never ever has a dirty house. Ever. She always has her dishes done and the floors spotless and dinner is always prepared and ready on time. Her kids are always clean, polite, respectful and loving, especially to each other. She never gets irritated with her husband when he doesn’t turn his socks right side out for the laundry and they always agree on everything. She delights in nothing else but to serve her family and never wants or needs time for herself. She takes great care to shower every day and put make up on so that she is always beautiful and presentable. She never wears her pajamas all day or for days in a row and she is the epitome of womanhood. Most of all, she has a great sense of humor and loves to write.
Okay, in all honesty –  KaraLynne Mackrory is no newbie to the writing world.  She made her debut as an author at the tender age of 13 when she wrote her first set of bad poetry. Angsty and emotional – teenage-drama filled – they were unbelievable disasters.  Such contributions to the literary world were deemed so terrible that today they are kept behind lock and key to protect others from their awfulness.  As a young adult she steered clear of soap opera drama inspired works and achieved a degree in Social Work.  It was not until her late twenties that she returned to her roots in writing.  Since then she has published three Austen inspired novels so full of romantic sensibilities as to give you a toothache and a grin and hopefully a few contented sighs.  She is thrilled to report that Falling For Mr. Darcy, Bluebells in the Mourning and Haunting Mr. Darcy: A Spirited Courtship are a mite better than the bad poetry.



Vesper said...

wondering how does he get them into Elizabeth's hand

KaraLynne and Andy said...

A series of unfortunate mishaps (or are they fortunate!)

Arjanne said...

I've read the short version on your blog, KaraLynne and loved it, so I'm looking forward to reading the book! Those letters were swoonworthy!

Unknown said...

Can't wait to read!!

Unknown said...

Can't wait to read!!

KaraLynne and Andy said...

There is more to love now! I'm glad you found them so. :)

KaraLynne and Andy said...

I hope you enjoy it. :)

gailw13 said...

It sounds like a great concept - I can't wait to read it!

Lynda E. said...

Sounds fascinating! Thanks for letting me know about it, and for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

It sounds great !! I'm looking foward to read the book :)


Christina Boyd said...

Great post! I too am an Austen Addict. With no hope for recovery.

Unknown said...

Karalynne has long been one of my favorite authors. She has such a refreshing sense of humor and isn't afraid to show it (like killing a sister in chapter one of bluebells). One of my most favorite characters of hers is Mr. Bennet. She paints him as the most loving father, despite his public appearance, and his humor mirrors Karalynne so often. I recommend all these books to everyone I can, and they are never disappointed!

Kiah Carroll said...

Karalynne's books are always amazing. I can't help but squeal uncontrollably and laugh like an idiot when reading her books.

Kiah Carroll said...

Karalynne's books are always amazing. I can't help but squeal uncontrollably and laugh like an idiot when reading her books.

Lúthien84 said...

Sounds like a good book to me and it's on my wish list. So glad that KaraLynne decided to expand this short story to a full length novel.

dstoutholcomb said...

very interesting plot twist for a Janeite book

maryann said...

You write wonderful novels and I am sure there are some twists and the letters hopefully will go into Elizabeth's hands and not Wickham, Caroline or Aunt Catherine's hands.Thank you for giving us a view of what is to be expected in this interesting new novel.

Julia Ergane said...

I have enjoyed your previous novels. This one sounds equally intriguing.

KaraLynne and Andy said...

Darcy writing love letters? It's a no brainer. Hope you enjoy it.

KaraLynne and Andy said...

Happy reading!

KaraLynne and Andy said...

Thank you to the famous Mrs Carroll! You have been a favorite person of mine for a long time. :)

KaraLynne and Andy said...

Giggles and Darcy are a must combo Kiah!

KaraLynne and Andy said...

It is delicious and I think you will enjoy it.

KaraLynne and Andy said...

Thank you! Don't worry the angst is well rewarded in the end.

KaraLynne and Andy said...

Thank you! I hope this will also be enjoyed! Thanks for commenting. :)

KaraLynne and Andy said...

Thank you!

Ginna said...

I've read the short story, and love that you've expanded it. Looking forward to reading it!

Laurie said...

Oh how I know I will adore this book!! One of my favorite parts about P&P was when Darcy writes to Elizabeth after she rejects him. So eloquent, so ardent, so candid. I would love to read letters that Darcy has written to appease himself as he longs for Elizabeth, and then see how she responds when she reads them. What a great concept. If it's even close to Bluebells in the Mourning, which was one of my favorite books of 2015 thus far, we are in for a treat!!

BeckyC said...

Looking forward to the unique variation. Thank you for the giveaway!

Dung said...

Can't wait to find out Elizabeth's reaction when she reads them and how she feels about Darcy afterwards.

Jo's Daughter said...

How wonderful, Darcy writing letters. I always found it a shame that Captain Wentworth wrote such a passionate letter in Austen's novels instead of the dreamy Darcy. This book sounds amazing! :)

kim hansen said...

Love the time period of the book.

KaraLynne and Andy said...

Then you know what delights await you plus more!

KaraLynne and Andy said...

There is something about a love letter that seems more intimate than spoken words somehow. I hope you love it. :)

KaraLynne and Andy said...

You might imagine how you would feel and then you have what E feels. :)

KaraLynne and Andy said...

It's pretty swoonworthy of a concept huh?

Tobin Freid said...

I love the premise and can't wait to read the letters, though I imagine some of them are cringe-worthy. Though many are probably swoon-worthy, too. :) Good luck on the release!

Shannon said...

KaraLynne is one of my top favorite Austenesque authors and Haunting Mr Darcy is my favorite! I love the premise of her newest one and I am very excited to read it. Thank you for the giveaway!!!

karen said...

KaraLynne, I just finished Yours Forevermore this morning. I loved this story. It is #1 or 2 in my top 10 P&P variations.

Your Darcy was perfect. He didn't wallow in misery but instead was so tender and passionate about the love he thought was lost to him.

The dialogue was natural and never forced or pretentious. It was a great compliment to the original Austen story.I urge anyone who enjoys P&P variations to read this book. It was lovely. Warning you might need a handkerchief.