As I began the process of writing my first
non-fiction book I tried to figured a way to tackle it. I have several favorite writers and one of
the tops in my book is Jane Austen. My
thought at the time as I began the process was, “What would Jane do?” How would she handle the transition of
writing non-fiction after years of writing fiction?
As I continued the process of writing down
memories, settling them in some sort of order I kept thinking about Jane Austen
and her talent for writing about everyday life.
She was able to take ordinary things like fighting with her mother, and
make it into a brilliant comedy scene in her novels. Or going to a dance in her neighborhood, and translate
it into the scene where Lizzie first meets Darcy. What I needed to do was the reverse, to take
my real life and write it so it is both honest and entertaining. Not the easiest of missions.
Jane Austen was great at irony, especially
literary irony, I wondered about that as I wrote memoir. I could feel a great deal of irony coming out
in the story of my life. I wondered, “Is
that normal?” Then I thought, “Well it
is my normal?” So I went on writing as I
felt I should and as I wrote I felt I had Jane sitting next to me, either
nodding her head or shaking it. I know
it is odd to say to say of someone who began writing 228 years ago, but I have always felt
connected to her. I have read almost
every Jane Austen book I could get my greedy hands on, so I felt quite sane
having her as my spiritual mentor.
Well the memoir is done and published, I
hope Jane approves.
Sherri Rabinowitz
Sherri's Memoir: Entering My Second Half

As I watch young celebrities panicking about reaching thirty years old and getting botox, I shake my head. At thirty I was still being carded. I was still asked if I was old enough to work in this office. Thirty? They are children!
Believe me kids, Thirty is nothing. Now Fifty that is a brick wall that you have to watch out for. All of the sudden you ache in places you have never even thought of before. You have problems with parts of your body that worked perfectly the year before.You gain weight easier, and it is harder to get it off.
Fifty is what they should be worried about.This is what I learned.
About the author
Sherri has been writing since she was a small child. She was inspired by Ray Bradbury and Agatha Christie. She had always loved writing but has had to make a living in a varied number of ways. She worked as an actress, a travel agent and in several forms of customer service. Her passion though has always been writing. She loves and enjoys both reading and writing fan fiction.Her first book Murder Inc. was a fan favorite, Fantasy Time Inc. was nominated for a Global Ebook Award. Her brand new book; Different Is Beautiful is already a best seller. It has been #2 in hot releases, #2 in Early Childhood Education and #3 in Preschool & Kindergarten on Amazon! And it won the Gold (First Place) for Global Ebook Awards for Children Picture Books Fiction category!
not 50 yet, but I know what you mean!
Before 50 I really gave little thought to aging, but as I approached it, I think I made it into a monster in my mind :)
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