Glad to be hosting again Joana Starnes, this time on occasion of her promoting tour for The Unthinkable Triangle. Ready to discover more about her new intriguing variation of Pride and Prejudice?
Many thanks, Maria Grazia, for having me here today. It’s always wonderful to be your guest, and I greatly appreciate your warm welcome at My Jane Austen Book Club, on the blog tour for the launch of my latest book, The Unthinkable Triangle.
Book Blurb - All is fair in love and war – or is it?
What if Mr. Darcy’s rival for Elizabeth Bennet’s affections is not some
inconsequential stranger, but his dearest, closest friend? How is he to
reconcile the claims of loyalty and kinship with the urge to pursue his heart’s
Author Guest PostMany thanks, Maria Grazia, for having me here today. It’s always wonderful to be your guest, and I greatly appreciate your warm welcome at My Jane Austen Book Club, on the blog tour for the launch of my latest book, The Unthinkable Triangle.
We are all familiar with the courtship dance of our favourite couple,
in the original novel as well as in countless variations. The aloof gentleman,
drawn against his better judgement to a pair of fine eyes and the playful, pert
disposition of one who, instead of fawning upon him like the majority of his
acquaintance, persists in challenging him at every turn. And then there is the
opinionated lady, with her deep-set prejudice against him, for valid reasons as
well as not so valid ones. They meet, the spar, they part. They meet again,
they argue heatedly, and then they part once more. And just as they begin to
understand each other, they are drawn apart again, by all manner of adverse
But what if they are not? What if the adverse circumstances are as such
that, instead of drawing them apart, they constantly bring them together? What
if Elizabeth’s prejudice against Mr Darcy, on account of Mr Wickham’s lies, is
removed very early in the story? What if she has the opportunity to learn
firsthand what he is really like? What if she has a very valid reason to be
often in his path? A frequent presence in his house. A close friend of his
sister’s. What if she is almost part of the family – almost, but not quite?
All things come at a cost, and the price Mr Darcy has to pay for
Elizabeth’s company is very high indeed. Because in The Unthinkable Triangle
she is often in his path as his future cousin. As his dearest friend’s
betrothed. And he is caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. He is
caught between loyalty and love.
Would you like to take a peek into Mr Darcy’s drawing room? Yet again,
at Georgiana’s invitation, Elizabeth and her sister Mrs Bingley are staying
briefly at the Darcy townhouse. Thus, our favourite characters are once more
thrown together. They meet, they talk – but this time they do not spar.
Instead, she gets to know him and offers him kindness. But can he fool himself
into believing this could ever be enough?
* * * *
Read and Excerpt
from The Unthinkable Triangle
Bingley estimated he would be absent for a se’nnight and in due course
he set off, while his wife and Elizabeth came for their all too brief sojourn
in Berkeley Square, as arranged. So Darcy would see her at breakfast and at
dinner. Find her in the library, when he would wander in there for no reason.
Hear her in the music room, where she would sit with Georgiana, taking turns in
playing on the pianoforte. Or covertly watch her in the drawing room, as she
would help his sister entertain the endless horde of females whom he could not
but find vexing and unwelcome, devoid of charm and beauty and falling short in
everything when measured against her.
They had been apportioned more than their fair share of visitors that
day as well and, as soon as the last one was finally escorted out by the
obliging Simon, Georgiana breathed an obvious sigh of relief.
“Hopefully now we might have our time to ourselves. ‘Tis hard to
believe sometimes how busy our mornings have become of late,” she could not
help remarking, then instantly regretted it, for she was loath to have her
brother know she felt imposed upon. She was glad of Elizabeth’s assistance when
her friend gave a little laugh and airily observed:
“Do you suppose a note might have been put in the paper to let it be
known that Mr. Darcy is in search of a wife?”
And then she turned to Georgiana’s brother to offer with a smile:
“I hope you would also find affection into the bargain, Sir, although
if you do not mind me saying, it does not appear very likely with anyone from
the last contingent.”
Darcy set his teacup down and, to her sadness, Georgiana heard him say
matter-of-factly, “I am not seeking a marriage of affection, Miss Bennet.”
Promptly, Elizabeth voiced the question that Georgiana did not dare
“Whyever not?”
At first it seemed that the only answer she would get would be a mere
shrug, but in the end he added as somewhat of an afterthought:
“Because the world is misaligned and the quest for a love-match is
seldom rewarded.”
“Then let us pray the world would mend,” Elizabeth exclaimed with
feeling. “Forgive me for intruding on such a private matter, Mr. Darcy, but I
believe you deserve much better than a loveless union.”
“I thank you for your kind concern,” he retorted crisply. “Ladies,
would you excuse me?” he added and stood, and then was gone.
“I fear I have offended your brother yet again with my propensity to
speak too freely and go where I am not wanted,” Elizabeth said wistfully once
they were left alone, but Georgiana hastened to put her mind at ease.
“Pray, do not regard it. He is too good to take your words amiss and I,
for one, was very glad to hear you say as much to him. I have long wished I
dared make the same plea, for I dread him marrying for sheer duty. To me, to
the estate. I wish him to be happy and I fear he would not be, were he to offer
for any of those ladies.”
“This is my fear also.”
“I must sound positively awful, just like a horribly jealous sister,”
Georgiana exclaimed in clear remorse, and resumed without allowing Elizabeth to
intervene and reassure her. “’Tis but my fear that they would be ill-suited. I
do not wish to cast aspersions on them all and distrust everybody’s motives.
Some of these young ladies might be genuine, and pleasant enough,” she saw fit
to retract the sweeping censure. “Miss Wyatt, for instance. She seems rather
sweet and kind, as does the youngest Miss Grantley and her cousin. And perhaps
Miss Hewitt too. And Lady Morley’s daughter, although… Oh, I do not know! I
wish Richard were here, he would know how to advise him,” she sighed, then
brought her fingers to her mouth in sudden contrition. “Forgive me, Elizabeth.
You must wish for his return as well, and for better reasons. Why did he have
to throw himself in danger’s path again, after everything that happened?” she
incautiously voiced the thought that had been with her for months, before she
realised what it was that she was saying. “Goodness! Whatever has got into me
today to make me say all the wrong things, over and over?”
“Pray, do not fret,” Elizabeth entreated as she endeavoured to fight
off the turmoil brought by Georgiana’s words, for she had asked herself that
very question too often to count, and every time she had come to no reassuring
answer. “Might there be something in the tea, do you imagine, to make us both
say things we wished unsaid?”
“I should imagine not, otherwise it might have affected my brother as
well. He too had the tea, if I remember rightly,” Georgiana replied in the same
jesting vein, and her countenance brightened.
Elizabeth was pleased to see that her attempts at light-hearted
repartee had borne fruit. She only wished it would be as easy to gain Mr.
Darcy’s pardon for her untoward interference in his affairs.
An encounter in the downstairs parlour an hour later gave her the
chance to try. She was sitting by the fireplace with her book, waiting for
Georgiana to return from a conference with her housekeeper and for Jane to
emerge from the daily rest her condition required, when the door suddenly
opened to admit Mr. Darcy. He froze in his tracks, as though he had expected
the parlour to be empty.
“Forgive me. I thought…” he hesitantly offered.
“That no one was here?” Elizabeth finished for him with a rueful smile.
“Not at all! I did not mean…”
“Nevertheless,” she came to his rescue, “this gives me as good an
opportunity as any to apologise.”
“Whatever for?”
“My earlier comment, in the drawing room.”
“Pray do not. I know it was said in kindness and… I do appreciate it,”
he added with manifest difficulty.
“You are very gracious.”
“Mr. Darcy, we simply cannot continue in this manner,” she cheerfully
interrupted. “We seem to have been apologising to each other more or less
constantly for many months now, and I think we ought to have some variety in
our conversations. So let me change the subject by saying that perhaps it is
time to cease being so very formal. As we are to be cousins, can I not persuade
you to address me by my Christian name?”
He bowed, but she still glimpsed his countenance for long enough to see
that his lips tightened.
“I would be honoured,” Elizabeth heard him say.
“I thank you. And might I be allowed the same liberty? Oh, how foolish
of me,” she exclaimed with a hint of laughter. “After all this time, I find I
do not know your Christian name.”
For some reason that she could not fathom, he swallowed hard, and at
last he answered.
“I beg your pardon?”
“My Christian name, Miss Bennet – Miss Elizabeth – is Fitzwilliam,” he
quietly elaborated. Then he excused himself and left the parlour, without
taking the time to seek whatever he might have walked in there for.
Fitzwilliam Darcy. Fitzwilliam. How strange that she had never known.
Yet perhaps not so. To the best of her knowledge, Georgiana uniformly addressed
him as ‘Brother’ and spoke of him likewise when he was not there. As for
the others – Richard, Charles, his relations and general acquaintances – she
had only heard them call him ‘Darcy’.
Fitzwilliam Darcy. There was resonance in the uncommon name, a stately
ring to it which, if anything, made addressing him by his Christian name seem
even more formal, and not less.
Elizabeth turned under the counterpane in the same comfortable chamber
that had been hers before, and closed her eyes. Yet a moment later they flashed
open and she turned on the other side, with something of a huff. She had begun
to regret having asked him what his first name was, especially as he had seemed
rather displeased about it. Besides, her intended purpose was not served, for
she felt she could not possibly address him thus.
Then… what? Cousin? That was presumptuous. They were not related yet.
William? Wills? Will? Or something in that vein? Of course not, she
would never dare! No one of his acquaintance had used such appellations in her
hearing, and it would be far too forward of her to be the first.
And yet – Fitzwilliam? No, he would have to remain Mr. Darcy to her,
and hopefully he would not think her distant, especially after prompting him to
address her by her Christian name. Whatever had possessed her? Now she would
have to find creative ways of speaking to him while avoiding the use of his
name altogether.
She tossed and turned under the counterpane, dismayed that her attempts
at friendliness always seemed to serve her ill where Mr. Darcy was concerned.
As yet, she did not begin to wonder why it was so thoroughly unthinkable for
her to address him as Fitzwilliam, and so she eventually drifted into peaceful
slumber, blissfully ignorant of the storm to come.
* * * *
I hope you have enjoyed the peek into Mr. Darcy’s townhouse. If you would like to see what happens next, please take your chances in the rafflecopter form below this post to win a Kindle copy of The Unthinkable Triangle. The giveaway is available internationally. Thanks for stopping by and many thanks again, Maria Grazia, for having me as your guest today!
I hope you have enjoyed the peek into Mr. Darcy’s townhouse. If you would like to see what happens next, please take your chances in the rafflecopter form below this post to win a Kindle copy of The Unthinkable Triangle. The giveaway is available internationally. Thanks for stopping by and many thanks again, Maria Grazia, for having me as your guest today!
Joana Starnes
About the author
![]() |
Joana Starnes in Bath with ... Mr Wickha |
v From This Day
Forward ~ The Darcys of Pemberley ~ A Pride & Prejudice sequel
v The Subsequent
Proposal ~ A Tale of Pride, Prejudice and Persuasion
v The Second Chance ~ A Pride &
Prejudice – Sense & Sensibility Variation
v The Falmouth
Connection ~ A Pride & Prejudice Variation set in Poldark territory
v The Unthinkable
Triangle ~ A Pride & Prejudice Variation, where loyalty comes at
loggerheads with love
You can connect with Joana Starnes on ;
or visit ‘The
Unthinkable Triangle Facebook page’ for details of giveaways and lots
of images that have inspired this story.
Wonderful excerpt! Thank you for this
"taste" and the giveaway.
Thanks! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Best of luck.
I am so enjoying The Unthinkable Triangle. A most delightful approach. You are so very fortunate to live in England. I wish... I wish... :)
lovely excerpt!
This was one more variation that I enjoyed very much. Buy it if you have not read it and don't win a copy. I'm eager to read anything Joana writes and buy her work bypassing KU and Sample opportunities, confident I will not be disappointed.
Thank you for the continuing pleasure, Joana.
Thanks for stopping by, Barbara!
Wonderful to hear you're enjoying it :)
Thanks, Denise, I'm so glad you liked it!
Thanks so much for stopping by and for the kind words, Betty!
I'm so glad you liked this book and my other ones, it's great to hear that!
I have to get this book, and soon!!! Any way I can...
Among all authors of P&P variations I have read so far, Joana Starnes torments Mr.Darcy the best! She invents and implements such exquisite bitter-sweet struggles and challenges for him, that when reading her books my heart always skips a beat and feels so much compassion for poor Mr.Darcy:) And, of course, demands to have more!:)
Fingers crossed, tgruy :) Just a couple more giveaways left, I think, so fingers crossed. Thanks for following the blog tour and I'm so glad you've enjoyed it. Best of luck!
Thanks ever so much for the kind words, oloore, I'm over the moon that you think so! Thanks for stopping by and for the lovely comment, much appreciated!
Hi Maria and Joana.. Yes, Joana, it's me again! Oh dear, what are we going to do with the pair of them? She's happy with him calling her Elizabeth but can't call him Fitzwilliam. That should tell her something about her feelings towards him. So, are you torturing her this time?
Great to see you, Anji! Thanks for coming over, I LOVED the comment. Yep, I think it's Elizabeth's turn now, and about time too ;) But hang on, we haven't talked about it, is THIS legal? Or is it OK just to torture Darcy?
Oh no, I don't think Elizabeth know what kind of emotional storm she created by asking Darcy to address her my her Christian name and vice versa!
From the frying pan into the fire, Dung Vu ;)
Thanks for stopping by to read and comment and good luck!
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