Welcome to our cover reveal blitz, dear readers! The Darcy Monologues will be out soon, on May 22nd, but we are here to anticipate the release with an exciting event including a great giveaway contest too.
The amazing cover art is the genius of Shari Ryan of MadHat
Books. She took the cover concept and created exactly as I envisioned. Shari
professionally, quickly, and concisely handled my countless questions,
suggestions, and “just one more tweak” in the challenging format of the print
interior—even had a special script code written to make it happen. And then
when the original concept had to be scrapped because of the print-on-demand
company’s limitations that were beyond our control (long, convoluted story only
to be shared over strong cocktails), Shari AGAIN created the present cover and
interior for both print and e-book. I could not recommend her expertise more!